Steps for Conducting an Audio and Web Conference
How to Start an Audio Conference Call

Step 1 - Prepare for the Conference Call
Determine the day and time you are going to hold the conference call. Send a message to all the conference participants advising them of the date and time of the call and provide them with your toll-free dial-in number and  Conference number .

Step 2 - Start the Conference Call
When you're ready to start the conference, call the toll-free dial-in access number and when prompted leader enter conference number and Pin number. As other participants dial in to the conference and enter the Conference number you provided them, do not give PIN Number to participants they will be added to the conference.
United States and Canada   (Reservationless Conferencing). **Do not send Leader Pin.
International (Must be on Toll Free List) (Reservationless Conferencing): Participants are located in international Countries. Leader of call only provides participants Toll Free International Number and Conference Number . **Do not send Leader Pin.**
Dial US Toll Free Number                      XXX-XXX-XXXX
International Users Dial Toll Free            XXXXXXXXXX
International Users without Toll Free       303-928-3298
Enter Conference I.D                             1234567 (example)
If you are the Leader, Enter Pin:        1234 (example)
Domestic Toll Dial-In

 Permanent standard US telephone number for your international participants. Your number will never change and is accessible anywhere in the world. With only one number to remember, this will be beneficial to participants who travel from country to country.  Dial 303-928-3298 Callers pay their own long distance charges Operator Dial Out Callers do not need to let us know ahead of time if they need to do an operator dial out during a reservationless call. Just press "*0" on your telephone keypad and provide the operator with the phone number. For a scheduled call, you can provide the number ahead of time by calling our Customer Service number and pressing "*0" for a representative. The Customer Service Representative will then dial out to the international participant at the time of your scheduled call. International mobile phone numbers are acceptable Our international customers have a choice of using our international Toll Number or we have international toll-free numbers in over 50 countries. To learn more about our international calling options, click here
How to start a Web Lite Conference
Web Lite version included in your audio rate. Functions include: PowerPoint presentation slide show, mute and un-mute participants, view attendance, etc Basic conference calling tools. 90% of conference calls utilize this easy to use feature.

Leader Log-In Procedure:
Visit the sign-in URL at , enter your log-in credentials and click Start Leader logs in (top right) with Leader Number and Pin.

Participant Log-In Procedure:
1. Visit the guest log-in URL at and complete the log-in form.  If the host provided a participant passcode, enter it to complete the log-in.Participants choose Join Instant Meeting then enter General Information and Participate Number. provided by coordinator/leader.
How to start a web  meeting or webinar conference
Before logging in for the first time, hosts and their guests should complete the Webinar To Go System Compatibility Tests. In addition, please read the system requirements for a list of supported browsers and system configurations.
All you need is a normal Webcam !
This is the full feature version of web meeting and webinar. Features include; Desktop Sharing, Application Sharing, White Boarding, Survey, Question and Answers, Pass Controls Back and Forth, Chat and Outlook Integration


There is a special video feature included with web meeting and webinars. Purchase a very inexpensive webcam and you will be able to see speakers and audience via web meeting. This is a very light version of video conferencing.
Host Log-In Procedure:
1. Visit the sign-in URL at , enter your log-in credentials and click Start

2. The conference window opens. You can prepare for the conference before starting the conference, but you must start the conference before participants can join and you are able to use all conference tools.

3. Start the conference.  Invite guests and provide instructions for logging in.

Guest Log-In Procedure:
1. Visit the guest log-in URL at http://www. and complete the log-in form. If the host provided a participant passcode, enter it to complete the log-in.

2. Click start. The conference window opens and your host can see your name in the participant list