International Toll Free Numbers and Rates
Country Name Dial in Number for US Participants  Dial In Number for International Participants Toll Free per minute Rate
Countries Not Listed Here 8889428686 3032187598 .079*
 Australia 8889428686 1800134507 0.220
 Austria Landline  8889428686 0800292839 0.550
 Austria Mobile/ Payphone  8889428686 0800292839 0.550
 Belgium Landline 8889428686 080071289 0.350
 Belgium Mobile/ Payphone 8889428686 080071289 0.350
 Brazil 8889428686 08008919161 0.250
 China 8889428686 108001400782 0.560
 China 8889428686 108007140810 0.560
 Costa Rica 8889428686 8000150425 0.550
 Denmark 8889428686 80889205 0.220
 Finland 8889428686 0800112848 0.550
 France 8889428686 0800918653 0.250
 Germany Landline 8889428686 08001844578 0.220
 Germany Mobile/ Payphone 8889428686 08001844578 0.220
 Hong Kong 8889428686 800908844 0.230
 India 8889428686 0008001006089 0.390
 Ireland 8889428686 1800332616 0.890
 Israel 8889428686 1809245881 0.230
 Italy 8889428686 800787913 0.350
 Jamaica 8889428686 18002050340 0.790
 Japan 8889428686 00531160487 0.400
 Mexico 8889428686 0018005141657 0.350
 Netherlands Landline 8889428686 08000224153 0.290
 Netherlands Mobile/ Payphone 8889428686 08000224153 0.290
 New Zealand Landline 8889428686 0800440122 0.210
 New Zealand Mobile/ Payphone 8889428686 0800440122 0.210
 Norway 8889428686 80015014 0.270
 Poland  8889428686 008001114878 0.340
 Russia 8889428686 81080024561012 0.280
 Singapore 8889428686 8001011609 0.230
 South Africa  8889428686 0800998655 0.790
 South Africa 8889428686 0800998655 0.790
 South Korea 8889428686 00308140622 0.240
 Spain 8889428686 900941526 0.490
 Sweden 8889428686 020799629 0.270
 Switzerland Landline 8889428686 0800561752 0.270
 Switzerland Mobile/ Payphone 8889428686 0800561752 0.270
 Taiwan 8889428686 00801126738 0.350
 Thailand 8889428686 0018001562050354 0.430
 United Kingdom 8889428686 08004049468 0.190
* You are responsible for the cost of the international line to call the US. This rate varies depending
on your plan.
Note: Rates are subject to change at anytime due to increase in market rates. All rates are $US.
Lines of a conference dialed out to by an operator will incur an uplift charge. In some cases
operator dial outs may cause the entire conference to incur an uplift charge. Please contact 
your sales consultant with any questions.