Video Conferencing
Putting a face on modern business
In January 2013, customers can access Video-To-Go conferencing on their iPads or mobile phones,with many more features to join a meeting from practically anywhere in the world.
Genesis's video conferencing adds the convenience of face-to-face communication without the high price tag of travel and expenses. When you use Genesis video conferencing services your company is investing in a cost-effective way of connecting with clients globally. Video conferencing also allows you to share files instantly online with your participants. Like all Conferencing Services offered by Genesis this system is reservation less so you can get things done faster and easier than before. Genesis also offers an entire host of features that allow your business to use our video conference systems easier than before. With Genesis you can rehearse your presentation and edit it with full in-house video production and editing. Also you will be able to use our on-site certified web technicians to streamline your presentation. Video conferencing is a great complement to existing Audio and Web conferencing that will allow you and your business to set up effective conference room videos. With Genesis your business can easily expand its boundaries all over the world. When you have something big to say, you need a big way to say it. Our webcast allows you to broadcast your presentation live to thousands of participants worldwide via the internet. Genesis provides the most reliable and solutions that enable organizations to plan, produce Live, pre-recorded or replay streaming is a proven, cost-effective broadcast solution online events.Let's face it: we're a visual society. That's why video conferencing takes online conferencing to a whole new level. You still have all the ease and convenience that audio conferences and web conferences provide, but now your audience can easily view./div>
  • Pre-recorded video clips
  • Real people, in real time, courtesy of webcams
  • Multiple webcam capabilities
  • Upload PowerPoint presentations and store online
  • White boarding
  • Ability to play and share multimedia files
  • Hand raise, chat feature and file transfer
  • Attendee roster
  • Screen/Application/Desktop Sharing
  • No firewall issues
  • Ability to be a "Presenter" on PC, Mac and Linux machines
  • Automated registration functions
  • Ability for Attendees to join with no software download
  • 100% Browser Based - No application download required
  • Email invitations directly from meeting software
  • Outlook Plug-in Tool
  • Meeting Reports - View reports of current or past meetings anytime to see who attended and for how long
  • My Library - Store multimedia content such as pictures, presentations, video and audio files that can be used during a meeting
  • Either option will enhance your presentation and engage attendees that much more, because, after all, seeing is believing. Not only that, but you can broadcast live or on-demand to attendees anywhere in the world through streaming media. contact our web conferencing professionals to get started on your next video conference.