Genesis Webinar To Go
Live events across the globe.
 Similar to its web conferencing cousin, webinars are essentially seminars on the web. While web conferences are more about collaboration, webinars advocate the "one-to-many" model where a presenter (or presenters) conducts the webinar for an audience that could include hundreds of attendees.
 Genesis webinar service provides you with a turn-key, no risk way to diversifyand expand your educational offerings. Make programs more accessible, reach a wider audience and generate substantial revenue. Genesis interactive webinars allow you to increase the value of your organization by offering training programs and informational seminars that are cost-effective and convenient to attend.
 The types of people who sign up for traditional seminars include prospects, current customers, employees, or people who want to further their education on a particular topic. Now move this concept to the web, and--voila!--you have webinars. When companies are looking to generate revenue from their content delivery, webinars are often the best way to go.
Reasons to consider hosting webinars:
  • More than 84 percent of all people are visual learners.
  • It's easy to create a "hybrid" with audio conferences, meaning attendees can choose webinar option or audio-only option; both groups would hear the same presentation.
  • Webinars are an interactive medium, and the more interactive the medium, the better the satisfaction and the higher the increase in repeat customer rates, which can often translate to more revenue for your company.
  • Recorded video clips can be easily added
  • Webinar services can be simple and easy to use, with no downloads required.
  • The best webinar services provide useful features, such as instant polls, live chat (perfect for Q&A), live desktop share, and the ability for several users to control slides. Live chat and Q&A allows you to screen questions and only answer the ones you want. Still, you can capture all the questions, which provides you an additional marketing opportunity: you can communicate with the audience by sending an email with the answers to all of the questions after the event ends
    Here is a list of some our benefits and features
  • Shared Slide Show/PowerPoint Presentations
  • Whiteboard
  • Shared Applications
  • Shared Desktop
  • Instant Online Voting
  • Desktop Video
  • Discussion Panel (Chat)
  • Participant Roster
  • Web Tours
  • Customizable Interface
  • Presentation, Application and Screen Sharing
  • Publishing of MS PowerPoint, Word, or Excel files
  • Integrated Toll-Free Reservation-less Phone Conferencing*
  • Remote control
  • Multiple presenters
  • Polling,
  • Recording and Playback
  • Ready to experience the power of Genesis? View our online demos or contact our web conferencing professionals to get started on your next webinar.