Genesis Webcasting - Streaming, Audio, Slides and Video
Face to face meetings without the time and expense of travel
Live Webcasts Live Forever 

Well, they can if you archive them and have high quality on demand playback. Share your archived webcasts with those who couldn't attend in real-time. Market your archived webcasts to vertical markets. Post these archived events on your website and provide an interactive experience for site visitors. The possibilities are almost endless.We have developed webcasting solutions for various applications and industries and made sure that our clients will have the productivity tools they need to operate the event, and subsequently, analyze the event and it's success.Genesis’s webcasting service enables you to stream any combination of audio, slides and video to a large, geographically dispersed audience. Webcasts may be streamed live or in an archived (on-demand) manner or both. Perfect for large training sessions, product roll-outs, investor relations broadcasts, continuing education programs, and so much more, let our Event coordintor assist you with customizing the solution that best suits your needs. .
Webcasting of Benefits
  • No firewall issues
  • Increase the size of your audience
  • Extend your reach to any location
  • Extend the life of your event with an archived version for viewing on-demand
  • Benefit from the ability to reach your audience under any conditions  
  • Provide interactive communications        
  • Add impact to any presentation with PowerPoint slides     
  • Share information with customers, potential customers, employees, stockholders, business partners and the public
    Webcast Features


  • Advance event planning and coordination
  • Event and registration web page design  
  • Pre-event end-to-end testing and rehearsal
  • Post-event reporting, editing and archiving
  • Full in-house video production and editing
  • Coordinating internet connectivity  
  • On-site certified web technicians  
  • Portable encoding and transmission equipment
  • Optional satellite and fiber downlink  

    Genesis Networks is always here to help you with your telecommunications needs. If you are interested in our services or if you have a comment that you would like to submit click here