Telemedicine Software Solution Return to Industries Served
Many modern patients have to deal with obstacles and challenges that make it hard for them to free up time to see health providers as often as they probably should. Telemedicine solutions like telehealth software are able to reduce the burdens that patients face, because they no longer have to take time off from work, deal with childcare, or arrange for transportation and possibly pay for it. Telemedicine software isn't just something that physicians can take advantage of, but also patients as well.
You might be wondering what telemedicine software even is. It falls under the category of "health information technology," also just known as "health IT." It's a rather broad concept that covers many different technologies used for storing, sharing, and analyzing vast volumes of health information. Telemedicine falls under this umbrella, as it uses technology like secured audio and video connections to deliver clinical healthcare to patients. Telemedicine software is any platform that a provider uses to connect with their patients, as well as share images and video. Telemedicine solutions can even be integrated into the electronic scheduling and health record systems a provider already uses.
Why Telemedicine?

Why are telemedicine solutions crucial? The Department of Health and Human Services estimates that more than 16 million people who were previously not covered, now have health coverage. This is thanks to the Affordable Care Act. This is fantastic for anyone who previously didn't have health insurance and now has it. However, the health care system was already taxed enough as it was, and now it's under more strain than ever before. Telehealth software or telemedicine software is just one way in which patients can get service in a shorter timeframe. It also reduces the overhead of providers in terms of waiting areas and patient check-in. Vendors like Genesis VideoToGo are stepping up in a big way to bring the necessary technology to the table.
Increasing Demand
Telemedicine solutions like Genesis VideoToGo are growing ever more necessary when you think about the populations of chronically ill or elderly patients. Both these groups are growing, and quite quickly. This is why 33 out of 50 states have already enacted laws for telemedicine reimbursement parity. A number of the remaining 17 states also have pending legislation at the time of this writing.
Telemedicine software should make things as simple as possible for patients who want to get the care that they need, wherever they might be located. This is why telemedicine solutions should include both browser use and mobile apps. This lets patients connect in ways that are the easiest for them.
Telemedicine software should make things as simple as possible for patients who want to get the care that they need, wherever they might be located. This is why telemedicine solutions should include both browser use and mobile apps. This lets patients connect in ways that are the easiest for them.

Likewise, eligibility verification helps providers have the peace of mind that they're going to get reimbursed for any visits that are conducted through video conferencing. This is why comprehensive technology like the kind Genesis VideoToGo utilizes, can include a rules engine that verifies payment eligibility at the time the appointments get scheduled.

Something that separates telemedicine software and solutions from consumer-grade conference options is that more common choices like Skype or Facetime aren't necessarily HIPAA-compliant. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act makes patient confidentiality a legal right, and the protections necessary for that have to be abided by across the medical community.
Using telehealth software powered by Genesis VideoToGo means that doctors can get personalized face time with their patients without the patients having to leave the comfort of their own home. Geography doesn't have to be an obstacle to good healthcare. Telemedicine solutions are a convenient and cost-effective means of offering health care to patients who don't get around too well anymore or are housebound. The elderly segment of the population is booming, and this lets doctors cater to them like never before. Virtual conferencing with secure and two-way HD connections also helps doctors and hospital staff consult with rural patients who are far from good medicine.
Technology like this can also save a doctor’s office, clinic or hospital a lot of money in many ways. First of all, these entities wouldn't need as big of a staff or waiting room space. Secondly, doctors and staff can work in a lot more patients into their schedule by conducting virtual meetings.
Technology like this can also save a doctor’s office, clinic or hospital a lot of money in many ways. First of all, these entities wouldn't need as big of a staff or waiting room space. Secondly, doctors and staff can work in a lot more patients into their schedule by conducting virtual meetings.

Keep It In House

One last thing that telemedicine solutions can do for medical practices of all sizes is let it retain more revenue by offering in-house specialist consultations. No longer would an office need to refer patients that need specialists out to someone else's practice. Rather, by using Genesis VideoToGo’s technology and telehealth software, an office can bring those specialists right to its patients. When an office is able to keep all specialist consultations in-house, it is able to keep its patients happier, as well as increase its revenue.
Genesis VideoToGo is a crucial component to those looking for telemedicine solutions. Multiple participants can get together in an online meeting. The secure connections feature encryption from one end to the other. Even with the high level of security, the two-way connections feature high-definition audio and video both ways. Also, participants don't even have to be using the same browser, as Genesis VideoToGo technology works with the Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and Safari browsers.
Genesis VideoToGo is a crucial component to those looking for telemedicine solutions. Multiple participants can get together in an online meeting. The secure connections feature encryption from one end to the other. Even with the high level of security, the two-way connections feature high-definition audio and video both ways. Also, participants don't even have to be using the same browser, as Genesis VideoToGo technology works with the Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and Safari browsers.
Genesis Networks have offices in 3 geographic locations in California, New Jersey, and Tennessee providing Conferencing and Telecom Services Domestic and International.
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San Diego, CA 92129
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18 Railroad Ave. Suite 102
Rochelle Park, NJ 07662
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Knoxville, TN 37919
Toll-free# 888-436-3746
Direct all correspondence to our New Jersey office.